Swimming Activity

  1. 12
  2. Every  Saturday afternoon, we have swimming activity,we do this activity in cilandak swimming pool. In the Saturady or Sunday the entry ticket is about IDR. 15.ooo. especially in Saturday the turn over visitor is quite a lot of. So be carefull with every your thing.

    There’s two type of swimming pool for child and professional swimmer. In this place also, sometime used by Marinir do their skill for swimming practice.

Rumah Sakit Imigrasi

imigrasi logogedung rumah sakit

Rumah Sakit Imigrasi


Sebuah ide yang berawal dari ketidakpuasan akan besarnya PNBP imigrasi yang tak tahu dimana rimbanya. Besarnya PNBP ini jika tidak digunakan untuk sesuatu hal maka akan tidak mendatangkan manfaat baik saat ini ataupun di masa yang akan datang.

Berita terbakarnya LP tanjung Gusta di Medan, membuat sebagian orang berpikir bagaimana nanti pemulihan, pembangunan gedung / LP Tanjung Gusta yang baru, dari mana mendatangkan biayanya. Jawaban yang mudah ditebak melihat sejarah terbakarnya LP krobokan di Bali. Benar sekali jika dugaan Anda penggunaan PNBP Imigrasi masih bisa digunakan untuk pembanguan LP tersebut. Tinggal menanti persetujuan dari Menteri Keuangan.

Di setiap propinsi dari 33 propinsi di Indonesia hampir sangat mudah kita jumpai/temukan adanya Rumah Sakit Angkatan Laut, Angkatan Udara atau Angkatan Darat. Berangkat dari keinginan agar nantinya Imigrasi mempunyai rumah sakit di hampir 33 propinsi di Indonesia. Yang memberikan pelayanan prima sebaik pelayanan paspor di Kantor Imigrasi.

Tujuan pembangunan rumah sakit ini adalah lebih ke arah CSR-Corporate Social Responsibilty Imigrasi terhadap lingkungan sekitar di mana kantor Imigrasi berdiri. Kita sadari core business imigrasi bukan tentang pelayanan kesehatan. Pembangunan Rumah Sakit ini sendiri nantiya lebih mengedepankan/mengutamakan kepada kesejahteraan pegawai Imigrasi terhadap kesehatan. Karena dengan tubuh dan jiwa yang sehat dapat melahirkan sumber daya manusia yang unggul, kompetitif serta siap menghadapi tantangan dan perubahan yang ada.

Beberapa keuntungan yang akan didapatkan dengan pendirian Rumah Sakit ini, setiap pegawai Imigrasi akan dilengkapi berbagai perlindungan asuransi kesehatan, yang semuanya gratis karena merupakan compliment dari keuntungan pendirian Rumah Sakit ini. Termasuk dalam hal ini biaya persalinan dan biaya pengobatan bagi orang tua pegawai Imigrasi.

Pembangunan Rumah Sakit ini bisa dirintis dengan mendirikan rumah bersalin. Rumah bersalin ini mengutamakan kepedulian sosial terhadap masyarakat sekitar, sehingga biaya pro         ses persalinan pun di bawah harga standar dan bagi mereka yang kurang mampu secara ekonomi maka akan digratiskan.

Sebuah ide akan sebatas ide yang melayang dan menghilang jika kita tidak menuliskannya sebagai sebuah catatan. Dengan tulisan akan mengingatkan kita akan ide tersebut. Secara tidak langsung akan membuat alam bawah sadar kita mengupayakan agar ide tersebut berhasil diwujudkan.

Dalam hal ini kami tidak membutuhkan kata tidak mungkin atau tidak bisa, yang kami butuhkan adalah pusatkan daya pikiran Anda, apa yang dapat dilakukan untuk mewujudkan ide ini menjadi sebuah kenyataan. Termasuk di dalamnya bagaimana cara mendapatkan dana jika memang penggunaan PNPB Imigrasi mengalami kesulitan untuk digunakan dalam pembangunan Rumah Sakit Ini.

Demikian tulisan ini semoga dapat menginspirasi Anda, dengan menuangkan ide-ide segar yang tidak biasa dan out of the box demi kemajuan dan kejayaan Imigrasi di masa depan. Bagaimana dengan Anda ?




Unique experience

1000697_10201383194368454_2026745462_nuniqe experince when we study how about handle labor foreign in the Bogor City. bogor city is located in west Java. Bogor city is famous as rain city. cause almost every day there’s rain. another famous culinary is roti unyil, asinan bogor, apple pia, macaroni panggang, etc


1045083_10201378924061699_353201625_n 941717_10201383223089172_667206295_n ths is the time when we have lunch. the name of this restaurant is so traditional. Bale it’s mean room, with free air, Bancakan it’s mean eat toghether.

another picture show us when we eat “sate”. sate is one of food in Indonesia, like steak. but the the way present sate is by stick. sate very delicious when we ate this menu by soy sauce, or peanut sauce accompanied by red onion and green chili.

Atlantis Water Game


Atlantis Water Game


This is one of the place in Ancol, Jakarta that we can spare our time here. For entry ticket is IDR. 110.000 rupiahs but if you use BRI (one of the bank in Indonesia) you get discount about 20%.

In this Atlantis you will find, Kolam Arus, Kolam Apung, Wave Game (every one hour start 12:00 PM till 17:00 AM), and longest highest slide ever have in Indonesia.


Unfortunately slide for tire float is under construction. For information. Rent of locker is IDR. 25.ooo with deposit IDR. 25.ooo. rent for tire float, single IDR 25.ooo the same price with deposit. For double tire float it cost IDR 50.ooo, with the same deposit also. All deposit will be return depends to the term and condition (such as time limit for rent tire float)


Arround this pool there is drinks and food shop. Place for take a rest while available based on the situation. Gazebo also available for rent. Musolla (little mosque also available), ambulance and quick help, doctor stand by also available.


This place can be reach by public transportation such us Bus Way or taxi. Area of Ancol is wide you can use free bus transportation call as “Wara Wiri”. You can rent of bicycle to reach any places inside Ancol. Such as Dufan, Eco Park, Sea World, Atlantis Water etc


Special thanks to Seno Setyo Pujonggo (as guide for this program ), Al Asari (excited people to find fresh situation) and other friends that I can’t  write one by one


We wait any ide or opinion for next trip…..just leave you comment. gracias



Relax Time


Relax Time


Togetherness, simple but necessity to make harmony in diversity. This picture take when we have spare time during finish our sport activity. this environment is quite good, many big tree arround us, especilally coconut tree.

Recitation in Kemenkumham


Ramadhan fasting is obligatory for : a moslem, rational, baligh, able to fast and not menstruating. At the same time little children order to fast, if he is able to fast, this is point for practice become usual in other day.

Entry of the month of ramadhan, it can be seen through one of two things :

  1. See the new month (hilal) of ramadhan with testimony of moslem righteous
  2. Perfect number sya’ban month, 30 days. Obligation of fasting ramadhan starts from sunrise till sunset. When implement fasting ramadhan must intend before sunrise.



Fasting Ramadhan, Horeee………………………………………………………….

“Nawaitu shouma ghodin” this is the intention sentences that we must said in the beginning (starting activity before fasting). What for we must fasting ? do the duty or obligation that show we are faith people. This duty not for all people just for faith moslem.

Manifestation of fasting is try to feel hunger. Hunger from poor people arround us. We never aware about this people. We just try to fullfill our stomach. We almost forget with this people. Fasting is one of the intangible worship.

If you can not do big thing at once, just Do something small routine everyday. Throw the garbage in to waste basket. Cleanliness, clean your room, your body, your clothes. Say hai to other, smile to the people.

In the morning when we had breakfast (sahur), this is the best time to stay close together, eat together, praying together. This is the happy time that I mean in the above (title of this writing).

In the afternoon when we feel hungry, we can understand how hungry people feel something like we feel right now. This is the best time also how we can share our thing to other that needed.

The best moment also when sunset coming (maghrib time) is many food available in the table, many people sell drink and food in the street (especially people near the mosque or traditional market). In this time we want (our appetite) want eat everything. But one by one, our stomach is full, can not add anymore. Our appetite want eat again but the condition not permit it. This is mean greedy.  We can not catch the essential of fasting.

After praying maghrib, we take rest for a while. We waiting for isya adzan. Go to the mosque, we go together with all friend, family etc. Suddenly the street so crowded, many people get outside toward to to the mosque.

The mosque is over capacity till many people praying tarawih in the street in front of the mosque. After this we have recitation. Read al-qur’an with group. One people read, another one listen and sometime correct them if they make mistake reading al-qur’an. I love this time, we can enjoy feel something different, many people reading al-qur’an. Every place in Indonesia there are different culture to welcome ramadhan month.

The sentences that always said by preacher “is this our last ramadhan ?”




Tidung Island – Kepulauan Seribu, 2 Days 1 Night


Tidung Island – Kepulauan Seribu – DKI Jakarta

2 Days – 1 Nights

Nice trip to go there, with cheap price. With backpacker style we follow trip into Tidung Island. We go on Saturday morning, 03:00 PM from Gandul, Cinere, Depok. With 19 (nineteen) person go to the Muara Angke Harbour by public transportation. We pay IDR 20.000 (twenty thousand) rupiah. Arrive at Muara Angke we visit fuel transportation, for moslem do praying subuh, change clothes, go to toilet for preparation (need for this cause with ship, we need 3 hour journey)


At 07:00 PM the traditional shipping we start our journey come to Tidung Island, with the slow wave of the sea  and sunrise in the top of the ship. We very enjoy this time, when we saw the sky, we feel so beautiful, and we feel small and thanks to God give us good scenery, good health and safety till we can go this trip by ship.

Many times we take picture, we eat some snack, our stomach very, very hungry. Listen the ship machine, see the beautiful sky, see the slow wave of the sea , sometimes we can see the small fish, and of course the garbage in the sea.

Many people want visit this island, so crowded. Many people have not patient to wait turn over passenger. When we arrived this island, the travel already waiting for us, they accompany us to go rent house. For the information single price for each day is about IDR 400.000 – 450.000.

11:00 PM in the morning we arrive to Tidung Island, we get welcome lunch, after lunch we take rest a while. 12:30 AM we already use swimming clothes, ready for snorkeling.


In the place for distribution equipment we get glasses and tools for mouth (need for breathing in the water), food and “pelampung”.

We go the harbour, by traditional ship we go to the Payung Island, before we arrived at the Payung Island we do Snorkeling, and take picture under water. In this session we feel free to swim, snorkeling, see the fish in the water, give food to the fish, many fish arround my body to catch the food.


02:30 AM we continue our journey go to the Payung Island, we eat some food such as Bakso Urat mix with noodle, hot tea. Some moslem do Ashar Praying. The little mosque quite good. Before do everything there is a wall contains not salt water. We take bath with this water. So hard, not swallow.

Finish at 03:30 AM we continue take picture under sea / under water. This is very nice experince. We happy at the time, we sing a song together, we take photo several times, we take video also. We are very happy. Our burden disappear, we just enjoy that time.

05:00 AM we come back to rent house. We use bicycle to go “Love Bridge” in this place we can take photo, eat some food or just enjoy the sunset or we do some extreme jump from love bridge.

06:30 AM we have dinner, in this time we are hungry, we eat a lot of. In other time for moslem go the Mosque by bicycle. Surprise for me the Mosque architecture. So big, so high and beatiful architecture.

08:00 AM we have “barbekyu time” we burn “tongkol” fish in the beach, with small lamp, the situation so romantic to share future. What we become next. Or just call the family (in this area the signal is quite good)

11:30 AM we come back to the rent house, beside that some friend decided to go love bridge, just take some picture or have a cup of coffe in the beach.


On Sunday, 05:00 PM we go to the Love Bridge, we enjoy Sunrise, take some photo, after that we get some game in the water such as Banana Boat, Donuts Boat, Sofa Water, Kayak or do extreme jump in the love bridge directly to the sea. Every item of the game IDR 25.000 rupiah. If we bought 3 (three) game, we get 1 (one) free

09:00 AM we finish the water game, we come back to the rent house. We take a bath, have breakfast. 10:00 PM we already to the ship, 10:30 PM the ship go the Jakarta – Muara Angke. 14:00 AM we arrive at Muara Angke Harbour. By the public transportation IDR 5.000 rupiah each person we go to the Pluit Bus Way Shelter.

IDR 3.500 we can go to the Ragunan Shelter, we transit 1x (once) at the kuningan barat, and we stop at the kementerian pertanian.

By public transportation IDR 5.000 we arrive at Gandul, Cinere, Depok, Jawa Barat.

Special Thanks to the Ridwan (the idea coming), Seno (the organizer of this trip), Nia (with eye catching camera), Guna Putra Manik (with his camera), Saiful Mirza (with his camera, wait for share  the photo), Harlo (good motivate), Edwin (the powerfull man with melancolic heart), Arter (happy man every time), Al asari (good technique to swim), Elroy Parlindungan Siregar (good boy give us lesson to keep good attitude), Baiq Irasti (unpredictable girl and so excited), Merry (good spirit for travel), Rosalina (enjoy when the photo time session coming), Marsiyah (expression people with soft looking), Otrich (big power, never stop to make people happy, do something new), Lusi (brave to do something new, good human relation), Frantonius (good people, ready to help other any time), Fery Andrian (so excited, try something new)

We meet again, next trip.

14 – 15 October 2013 (arround that date), Singpore I Am Coming………………………………